
“Health is Wealth and Health for all”


“Health Services and education of Health Professionals through participatory approach in the operation and management with multi dimensional objectives”



Nepal institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) is being managed by a group of educationists, scholars, health professionals, researchers and social scientists committed to build a sound, efficient and productive academic institution for quality education through innovative and experimental learning in the field of health sciences.

Hence, the faculty of NIHS believes to make health population through quality health services by competent human resources in health needed by the country.


The aim of NIHS is to train and develop medium and higher level nursing and public health professionals with full exposure in advance theoretical knowledge and technical as well as attitudinal skills so that they will become competent, self reliant, responsible citizen and contributing member of the society who can deliver quality health services as per the need of the country.


  1. Under the framework and polity of CTEVT, produce competent and self reliant Proficiency Certificate level nursing professionals who will provide preventive, curative rehabilitative health services in the hospitals and communities within and outside the country.
  2. Prepare health professionals of general medicine who can competently provide preventive, promitive, curative and rehabilitative health services in the hospitals and communities.
  3. Under the framework and policy of Purbanchal University, prepare Post Basic bachelor Degree of Nursing specializing in Midwifery, Community Health and Hospital Nursing and basic Bsc. nursing with highest possible technical and managerial competence including problem identification, planning, implementation and evaluation skills in the field of management, educational science and research at various health institutions.
  4. Prepare Master Nursing professionals who will have advanced knowledge and skills to function as practitioner, educator, manager and researcher within the context of primary health care and to enable them to contribute fully to their own health and the health of their family, community and the nation.
  5. Prepare Bachelors in Public Health who could take a lead in planning, organizing, delivering and evaluating health services as per the need of the country with special focus on preventive and promotive aspect of health services.
  6. To prepare Master in Public Health professionals who will be the important contributor for the improvement of effective and efficient health services in the changing socioeconomic environment and in response to current and emerging needs in the country.
  7. Prepare competent pharmaceutics that will be able to enhance pharmaceutical services in preparing and distributing quality medicines in the country.
  8. Conduct quality researches in the field of public health and nursing
  9. Establish and facilitate linkages with national and international institutions in the field of nursing, public health and other health sciences.
  10. Provide quality health services including birthing services to the community through community hospital at affordable rate.

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